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Explain what risks the company could face in entering the market in Mexico

Explain what risks the company could face in entering the market in Mexico

Global Expansion Presentation

Company X is an American manufacturing company getting ready to start selling its products in Mexico. You are the manager of a team tasked with assessing the potential risks to the company as it gets ready to expand to another country.

Create a 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker’s notes, you could deliver to the Board of Directors discussing the risks the company could face.

Address the following points in your presentation:

Explain what risks the company could face in entering the market in Mexico

Explain how these risks might be different than those risks faced in staying in just the American market

Analyze how the company can manage these risks

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.


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In order to take advantage of globalization Company X intends to expand to Mexico. Indeed, this is a good move but one that requires careful planning and consideration. One of the things to consider is the risks involved in setting up branches in Mexico. In this presentation we will examine some of these risks and explain why they are different from those faced in the American market. Finally, we will explore ways in which these risks can be mitigated………………………..

9 slides

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