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Give a brief summary and timeline of the history of the US Constitution from its inception to modern times

Give a brief summary and timeline of the history of the US Constitution from its inception to modern times

Give a brief summary and timeline of the history of the US Constitution from its inception to modern times

Write an essay for each of the following questions or statements. Essays should be a minimum of 1 one single spaced or two double-spaced typed pages and no larger than 12-point font. Be certain to support your ideas with reasons, examples, and citations.

Use the link below to visit the Library of Congress and read the complete drafts of important historical documents. You will also find the timeline of the Constitution.


1. Give a brief summary and timeline of the history of the US Constitution from its inception to modern times. Include major historical figures in your summary and describe the role these figures played in the formation of the Constitution. Within the timeline that you constructed, which events do you think were the most crucial in forming the Constitution? Explain your answer.

2. List each article in the Bill of Rights. In your own words, explain what each means. Include the purpose as well as the contents.

3. What is the purpose of the constitutional amendments? How might our government be different if there were no amendments to the constitution? Should amendments be limited? Why or why not?

4. Name the three branches of government and explain the powers of each one. Provide current and relevant examples that illustrate the powers of each branch of the government.

5. How may our government be different if we did not have a national constitution?



…………………..Answer preview…………………..

The process of the formation of the U.S Constitution began on June 1774 when the Massachusetts and Virginia assemblies independently proposed to have an anticolonial delegates’ convention from the various colonies. The meeting aimed at restoring harmony and union between the Great Britain and its American colonies……………………….


3262 words

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