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Marcia is a health educator who has just finished drafting a proposal for a new health education program for the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Marcia is a health educator who has just finished drafting a proposal for a new health education program for the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Marcia is a health educator who has just finished drafting a proposal for a new health education program for the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) in her community. She has identified the main health issue she would like to address, developed a proposed budget and personnel worksheet, and has also outlined her proposed framework for cultivating individual motivation and behavior modification. Although Marcia feels that her proposal is robust in terms of meriting approval, she is wondering if it would be beneficial to outline her strategies or methodologies to make her program work. For example, would her program benefit from a group participation approach similar to a roundtable discussion or would her program be best delivered as a workshop? Should she invite speakers from both outside and inside the community to relay information as it applies to potential health services or might that be too much for her proposed program? What curriculum (new or existing) could be included in her program?

For this Assignment, review the Point Mar Case Study provided in this week’s Learning Resources. With your health education program from Week 6 in mind, research evidence-based and appropriate health education strategies/methodologies that you would implement. Reflect on how the evidence-based support contributes to the effectiveness of the strategies and/or methodologies that you will select.

Note: In grading this Assignment, your Instructor uses the Final Project Components Rubric, located in the Course Information area. Review the Rubric prior to completing your Assignment.

The Assignment: (2 pages)

Explain which evidence-based and appropriate health education strategies/methodologies you would select for your health education program and why. Be sure to include peer-reviewed journal articles that establish the evidence-based research for your health education strategies and/or methodologies that you select.

Explain how the role of the health educator may vary based on the strategies/methodologies you selected. Be specific and provide examples



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Evidence-based Strategies in Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Provision of sex education to individuals is in important task that is usually carried out by various health provision organizations all over the world. The World Health Organization views sex health as not only being about the absence of disease but also as being in a generally better shape with regard to the overall well-being of the body………………………


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