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Identify and describe major components of policing as a subculture and explain how the subculture might influence or be influenced by ethical decisions

Identify and describe major components of policing as a subculture and explain how the subculture might influence or be influenced by ethical decisions

Identify and describe major components of policing as a subculture and explain how the subculture might influence or be influenced by ethical decisions.

Identify at least two ethical challenges that corrections staff might encounter. Explain how these might occur and what steps or preventative efforts should be taken.


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In many police forces, there is a strong subculture that is entrenched in the policing systems. A big part of this subculture can be regarded as negative and hence it results in adverse outcomes from the policing activity. This subculture is made up of various components. Firstly, it is the “us versus them”……………………….


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