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Diversity Interview

Diversity Interview

For this assignment, you will select two individuals who are different from you in at least one of the diversity areas we study in this class (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc.).

Your interviews should last at least one (1) hour using the same survey questions for each subject. You should not interview a family member. Preferable is a co-worker or schoolmate with whom you are not well-acquainted. It is preferred that these meetings are face to face. If that is not possible, please discuss options with Dr. B. With the selected subjects, make observations and ask questions that focus on the ways you are similar and different, paying attention to everyday life experiences as well as major life experiences. Of primary interest are ascribed characteristics like age, sex, race. Of secondary interest include achieved differences like education, religion, social class, profession, etc and how these are related to ascribed characteristics. You must bring in research from social science in the analysis of your data!! The report is a blend of scholarly research and personal transformation. You must balance the objective and first person narrative.

The objectives of this report are to: (1) View the world through the lens of two subjects who are significantly different from you; (2) Appreciate the similarities that exist between humans even in the face of significant differences.

Content of Report for this written assignment, you will need to address the following (please include the question text):

  • 1.  Whom did you interview and why?
  • 2.  In what major way(s) are these subjects different than you (age, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc.)?
  • 3.  What significant differences did you discover in everyday life experiences?
  • 4.  What significant differences did you discover in major life experiences?
  • 5.  What was the most unexpected information you learned from this activity?
  • 6.  How comfortable were you in talking with this individual?
  • 7.  What were the similarities you discovered?
  • 8.  What was the most surprising similarity you discovered?
  • 9.  Describe how this activity contributed to your diversity awareness.
    10. Using concepts and theories in our readings thus far, analyze the data you collected.

Format of the Report

  • Your report must be a minimum of 1500 words in length not counting the References. Less will not be graded.
  • No title page, just put your name and date in the top left corner on the first page
  • Be sure to use appropriate language; do NOT use colloquial language; this is an official written assignment. You may use some first person narrative as appropriate.
  • Grammar and spelling are important to this assignment.
  • Remember to cite all sources including the persons interviewed (use fictitious names).
  • Dates of the interviews should be cited.
  • No more than 10% of the report may consist of direct quotes. They must be
  • Font = 12 point; Arial or Times New Roman. Line spacing 2.0. If you do not adhere to this format, points will be deducted.
  • cited correctly in the text in correct APA style with ”  ” and included in the References.
  • Students are encouraged make use of the UMUC Effective Writing Center when preparing their Diversity Reports. However, no other outside help is allowed (mom, friends, roommates, co-workers, et al). The interviews and report must be written for this course this semester. Plagiarism in any form receives a zero and contact with the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Cheating is not tolerated in this course.




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